How to Declutter Your Phone's day at a time

Nobody wants to share their numbers but mine is high. How is it possible that I have over 12,000 images on my phone? That’s way more than anyone in the history of my family!

A friends of mine gave me this super easy tip to review photos one day at a time and it’s genius! It breaks the task of going through photos down to a manageable, 2-3 minute activity that you can do quickly. If you do it every day, thus making it a habit, you’ll stay on top of it and never have to spend FOREVER scrolling through your thousands of photos.

Here are my tips for EASILY decluttering the photos on your phone:

  1. Open your photos app

  2. Click Search magnifying glass

  3. In the search field type in today’s date (March 22, for example).

  4. Click the link See All. This will show you all photos taken on this day for all years. If you prefer to narrow down to a particular year you can include a year in your search criteria.

  5. From here you can review and delete any unflattering, unfocused, duplicate, or just no longer needed photos.

  6. That’s it!

Adding this short task to your Calendar as a repeating To Do means you’ll declutter your photos one day at a time and get rid of any you no longer need. Doing it in small, manageable chunks of time means you’ll be more apt to continue the good habit.

Cheer to un-complicating your phone photos and deleting what you no longer need or want.

Carrie Peeples2 Comments