Get well sooner with organized medications at home

5 Steps to Organize Your Medications at Home

It's important to keep your home medications organized for safety and effectiveness. Who wants to delay getting well by taking outdated medications? And finding that thermometer quickly when you’re dealing with a fever is a must. Whether it’s cold and flu or allergy season, it’s essential to have your medications at home organized to find them easily and know they’re effective.

Follow these 5 steps to organize your mediations at home:

1. Designate a location to store your medications. The fewer places to have to look, the better. It could be in the kitchen, pantry, bathroom or wherever makes sense to you. Just make sure it is easily accessible and well lit in case you have to search at night in the dark.
2. Sort and Edit. Gather your medications and group them by type.
-Pain medication
-Cold & Flu
-First Aid etc.
Check expiration dates and dispose of any expired or unused ones according to local guidelines.
3. Contain: Keeping your medications contained makes it easier to find and accessible. Separate children’s medications from adult with appropriate categories. I like clear containers for medications so you can easily see the contents.
Don’t buy any containers without editing or measuring your space to make sure they will work!

4. Label. Even clear containers need to be labeled! It’s extra helpful to have your medications stored and labeled by type so you can find exactly what you need for what ails you (or your kids).
5. Review seasonally. You know your family best and which seasons bring on which ilnesses. Check your at home medications as the seasons change so you can stay on top of what you have vs what you need to replenish.
Following these steps will help you create a well-organized medication system at home, making it easier to get well sooner!

Below are some of my tried and true favorites for organizing medications at home. Always measure your shelves or drawers before purchasing or call Neatsmart to make it easier for you!

Lidded box Another lidded box Clear divided lazy susan

Clear 9” lazy susan Divided clear rectangular organizer

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