6 Things to Declutter Before You Leave for College

This post is for all of the college bound seniors out there: it’s time to declutter your room and closet before you leave! You’ve got a busy summer ahead of you getting ready for school, working, and spending time with your friends.

Take a little time now to declutter these 6 things, you’ll be so glad and your parents will be extra thrilled. Decluttering these items now will be so much easier before you leave for college and much worse when you come home for break.

You can knock one of these items out per day for a week and be completely done before you know it. Don’t wait because you’ll definitely regret it. Think of your future self and just do it! Set a timer, play some music, and celebrate your win when you’ve finished.

Here are the 6 things you need to declutter before you leave for college:

  1. Stuffies. Especially if you have a massive collection of stuffed animals, it’s time to clean them out. You do not want to come home from break and see them lined up on your bed. Save a few favorites or sentimental ones but be purposeful about it. Don’t just throw them under the bed. Make them part of your decor or put them in a clear bin in your closet.

  2. Notebooks & homework. You will not care about these in the future. Nobody re-reads their high school term papers without cringing. Your high school homework and class notes will not help you in college so just toss them now. It’s one less thing your parents will nag you about.

  3. Text books. You definitely will not need these again. Sell them back to your school or other student or donate them to a library. Good riddance! Unless you have a sibling that will use them the next. year your teachers will probably choose new editions. Now you’ll have some much needed clear space on your bookcase or desk.

  4. Uniforms. If they are clean and in good condition, see if your school can re-use sports and daily uniforms. Or pass them on to another student or sibling who still attends that school. You can check with friends of your parents to see if they know someone who might need them.

  5. Backpack. You will probably use this in college so give it a good cleaning once classes are over. You’d be amazed at how much accumulates in there that you’ve forgotten about. Once you’ve cleaned out the contents you can probably run it through the washing machine on cold and let it air dry.

  6. Clothes. If you’ve got clothes in your closet that you no longer wear because the style or size no longer work for you, now is the time to pass them on to someone else. Depending on the condition, you may be able to sell them but I’d recommend donating them if you’re not giving them to a sibling or friend. You’ll spend a lot of time taking pictures and posting that you could spend on something more rewarding. Plus, someone always needs what you’re ready to pass on. Don’t forget to go through your shoes, too!

These are all areas I’ve worked with parents on decluttering and organizing after their kids have gone to college and it’s very stressful for them! They don’t want to throw something out that’s important to you but they don’t know what is.

Getin the habit of cleaning out what you no longer need. It is an important skill that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Start now while you’re still at home so it will become easier going forward.

If you are keeping memorabilia, be purposeful about it. Put it in a box and label it. Keep what reminds you of good memories and success. Don’t waste your space on keeping things that are not meaningful or positive and understand that may change over time. Just because it was important when you were 5 doesn’t mean it will continue to be.

Take a little time now to clear out the high school clutter and you’ll be so glad you did. You’ll feel like a million bucks taking charge of your space and building that organization skill.

Call me if you get stuck.


Color me Decluttered


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