10 Best Declutter Strategies

Best Declutter Strategies for when you’re too overwhelmed to start

You may have that closet you’ve neglected for too long or maybe you’ve inherited a lot from family that you KNOW you need to go through but are just too overwhelmed to do it. Or maybe you’ve got a storage space that is costing you big $$$ you’re ready to save.

Here are my TRIED and TRUE declutter strategies to help you get through the piles as efficiently as possible without pulling your hair out.

  1. Pick one area. Don’t try to do the whole room at one sitting or you’ll quit long before you’re finished. Carve out a section and commit to going through that area.

  2. Set a timer. You have permission to quit after it goes off. But you have to schedule and commit to more sessions if you’re not finished.

  3. Make it pleasant. Turn on your favorite music, podcast, or book to listen to. Light a nice smelling candle. Watching something will avert your attention too much so just listen. Don’t talk on the phone either. You’ll be too distracted.

  4. Reward yourself. But not with shopping. Treat yourself to something enjoyable after you finished so it’s not complete drudgery. Be reasonable!

  5. Focus first on trash. It’s usually a quick edit that gives you the motivation to keep going. Eliminating that visual clutter will help you focus on the more challenging items.

  6. Take it out of rotation. If you’re on the fence, take something out of your closet or room 6 months. Put it in a box and label it. Make a note on your calendar to visit it again in 6 months. If you havent missed it, you can safely pass it on. If you’re still smitten, then you should keep it.

  7. Designate a staging area. Don’t fuss with what container to put items in or getting it to your car. Designate a room or part of your garage or basement for all of your decluttered items. The less time you have to think about it, the quicker the process.

  8. Deadlines work! Schedule a junk hauler to come pick up your discards. Whether it’s trash or donations, they can haul away in one fell swoop what you’re ready to part with. This saves you countless trips to drop off and a deadline will expedite your decision making time. You do have to pay for this service but you gain time and physical strain. You could also schedule a dumpster if you know a lot of the items will be trash. Either way, there is a time limit that encourages you to finish.

    Also, if you have family members that need to pick things up that you have been storing (ahem), give them a deadline to pick up or the item will be discarded or donated. People need deadlines otherwise they’ll never act.

  9. Focus on the future. Imagine what you’ll do with this newly reclaimed space or how you want the room to look after. Think of how accomplished you’ll feel clearing out this storage space and the money you’ll save. Think of the people you are helping by giving items that no longer serve you away. Turning it from a negative to a positive experience will keep you motivated to finish.

  10. Get help! Of course a professional organizer can help you with this process but don’t hesitate to reach out to family or friends. This can be tricky but think of those in your inner circle who can be a good sounding board and helper. Sometimes just knowing someone else will be there can light that fire to keep going!

I hope you find these helpful to get your decluttering done quickly and efficiently. Let me know if you need help!


Organizing Jewelry


Post Summer / Pre Fall Organizing