Declutter your gift closet

As the holidays near, it’s vital for you to declutter your gift closet BEFORE you start shopping. An organized gift closet saves time and allows for thoughtful gift-giving without a last-minute rush. By sorting through items, you identify (and label)exactly what you’re actually going to give, donate or throw away what you don’t need, and create space for new gifts that show your love and appreciation. A tidy space encourages creativity and lowers stress, making the holiday season more enjoyable.

It is great to purchase gifts when you’re traveling or when you see something you know a friend or family member would love all thorough the year. And it’s always a bonus to shop when things are on sale which may not be close to the time we are giving it.

The problem with this is forgetting what you’ve bought because you threw it in a closet that’s disorganized and cluttered. Because out of sight is out of mind which leads to over-shopping.

As you’re thinking about gift giving season and before you make the first purchase, declutter your gift closet:

  1. Pull everything out. Check all of the intended gifts out and make sure they are still in good condition.

  2. Make sure the gift matches the age. If anything is no longer age appropriate, give it away. Maybe that cute gift you bought a 3 year old is now in elementary school?

  3. Group gifts together by category. Hostess gifts, stationery, food, books, beauty products or intended recipient are all potential categories you may have. Contain by category if you have a lot of small items.

  4. Label, label, label. If you know who the gift is for right now, add a stickie note to the outside with the intended recipient’s name and occasion such as “Laura b-day.” Don't give your brain something else to remember--write it down!

Now is a good time to organize your gift closet (or cabinet, box, or wherever you keep your gift stash) so that you can find the right gift at the right time. There’s nothing worse than finding that perfect birthday gift you bought a week after their birthday!

Plus you'll be ahead of the game when it comes to end of year gift giving because you'll already know what you've got!