Organized Moving Tips

While moving is nobody’s idea of a good time, there are ways to lessen the stress so you can look forward to your fresh start. It is AMAZING how planning ahead and having an organized strategy to clean out your current home in anticipation of your new one can ease this process tremendously.

Work backwards

If you already have a moving date, put it on your calendar. That is your deadline for having everything packed up and ready to go. Deadlines are excellent motivators and help you prioritize your time.

Make note of any events you already have on your calendar between now and then. Vacation days, parties, work travel, birthdays, etc that will take you away from your mission of moving house means less time to complete it. Awareness of your available time is key to NOT procrastinating.

Start early

Start as early as you can with planning, acquiring boxes, packing, picking your move date, hiring your packers & movers, etc. You will pay with dollars and your sanity if you wait until the last minute to get ready. Do something every single day to maximize this process.

Declutter first

You will need to go through every drawer, cabinet, closet, and room to declutter before you start packing. You do not want to pack and move anything that you don’t want in your new house.

Start with an easy space like a guest bedroom and toss any trash. Every item that you pick up to pack, ask yourself:

  • Do I want to move this?

  • Will this fit in my new home’s style?

  • Do I have space for it?

  • Do I love this?

  • Have I used it?

  • Will I continue to use this?

Ultimately, it’s asking yourself, “Do I want to pack and move this so that it is in my new home?” The more you declutter now, the less you have to pack and the less you have to move. That saves you money with your boxes and packing supplies as well as with the weight of your mover. It also saves you time packing and unpacking.

Set up a staging area

Designate an area of your home as the donation spot. It could be in your garage or spare bedroom. I suggest you make it close to an exit door if possible. Anything you find during your declutter process that is going away goes there. This gives you one space to put everything that’s leaving the house that you can process later.

Schedule a donation/ junk pick up

If you have a lot to give away, save yourself time and schedule a donation or junk pick up. I have a list of donation and junk hauler resources in my Declutter DIY Workbook or you can search for a local option. While a junk hauler will charge you, they will typically pick up trash as well as donations at the same time thus minimizing your trips to a donation center. Since you’re on a time crunch while moving, this is an invaluable service.

Someone else can use what you no longer need so be generous with your donations and giving to your friends.

Pack purposefully

Packing is THE BEST time to declutter because you are looking at all of your home's contents with a fresh set of eyes. You are focused on your new home and new space. You get a chance to start over with your favorites and things that are truly special to you. Use this opportunity to focus on keeping the best and starting fresh.

  • Pack other seasons first. Whatever season you are NOT in, pack that one first. If it's June, pack your Christmas decorations, holiday china, sweaters, boots, blankets, flannel sheets, etc. You definitely aren't going to use these items anytime soon so there's no question about needing to access them.

  • Label boxes clearly. It's helpful to know the room the contents came from when you're trying to figure out which new room to move it. If something is going to be stored, like holiday decorations, add STORE or BASEMENT to the box. The fewer boxes you have to re-move at your new location, the faster you'll be able to unpack what you actively need.

  • Pack & move your valuables yourself. Anything that is of high value to you and potentially impossible to replace, pack and move yourself. Jewelry, heirlooms, silver, and any sentimental items that would be devastating to lose should go with you in your car.

  • Pack an overnight bag with essentials. Think that you’re going to go out of town for a couple of days and pack enough of your personal items to get you through those days of packing and moving. Don’t forget essentials like contacts or medication as well as underwear, pajamas, and the right clothes to wear.

Above all, don't wait until the last minute. The last few boxes feel like the law of infinite regression where the packing just NEVER ends.

Happy organizing!